Thursday, August 12, 2021

Garden dry, Squash bugs back - August 12, 2021


When I went to the garden yesterday afternoon, I did not intend to stay there for three hours.  The plan was to just look to see if the purple hull pea seeds had sprouted.  If they had not sprouted, the plan was to come back the next day and turn the sprinkler on them.

They had not sprouted.  The soil, which had been thoroughly tilled the past weekend, was dry as a bone.

I turned around to leave the garden, and as I passed by the zucchini and squash, I noticed that they needed picking.  As I started to pick, I saw squash bugs copulating on the stems.  This could not be allowed to continue.  Since there was a sprayer of bug juice already mixed up in the shed, I decided to go ahead and give the bugs a dose.  There were also lots of squash bug eggs on the leaves.  They had to be smashed.

And there was a lot of grass that needed to be pulled up around the butternut squash.  

I figured that I might as well go ahead and start the sprinkler on the peas while I dealt with the squash bugs.

Long story short (if it's not already too late), I ended up watering the pea rows, picking and spraying the squash, cutting the okra, picking the cherry tomatoes, and pulling grass.  It was almost dark when I left the garden, muddy and sopping wet from trying to move the sprinkler while it was sprinkling. 

I need to go back today and do more watering.  

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