Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Sick Day - August 24, 2021


Sunday evening, The Boss called me with "a covid update."  She had been in fairly close proximity with someone who tested positive for the virus a day or two later.  The Boss had covid back in December, and she's been vaccinated, but she's aware that breakthrough infections can occur.  We were supposed to ride to work together in a county that's nearly two hours away, and she was worried about exposing me.

I have felt pretty crappy, myself, for about a month - sinus congestion, headache, sporadic sore throat and earache, but no fever or coughing.  When The Boss called, I was feeling even worse.  I attributed it to being tired from my sleepless nights in Chattanooga and the dust from the hotel renovations, but I was contemplating getting a covid test the next day if I wasn't feeling any better.  

The Boss told me to stay home Monday.  She didn't have to ask twice.

As it turned out, I did feel a little better Monday after a good night's sleep and a big dose of sinus medicine.  Good thing, because I had a lot of stuff I needed to do.  My car needed to be picked up from the body shop.  We needed groceries.  The vegetable garden hadn't had any attention for a week.  I sat down at the computer to order groceries for pick-up, but the store couldn't have the order ready until the next day, so I'd have to actually go to a grocery store (HORRORS!) for something for supper.

I got dressed and went to town and paid the auto body shop for the repair to my car.  Since I was alone and had no one to drive my car home, I asked the dude to park it where I could get to it after hours, planning to go back to town to get it when The Husband came home.  Then I went to the grocery store and ran some other errands around town.  Then I came home, put away the groceries, and went to the garden to get some vegetables for supper.  

The okra was out of control.  Nanny had cut it last week and had canned 8 pints of pickled okra, but the stalks were loaded again.  I cut a plastic grocery bag full of okra.  Gave a bunch of it to my sister-in-law, who happened to be at Nanny's while I was there.  Roasted some in the oven for supper.  Sent the rest of it to work with The Husband this morning.

While traveling, we'd eaten nothing but fast food and restaurant dinners, and I was hungry for a home-cooked meal.  I'd bought a beef roast for supper, and when I came back from the garden, I started cooking it with potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes and peppers from the garden, rich, delicious gravy.  Roasted okra.  I'd bought some good dinner rolls to go with it all, and I'd timed my cooking just right to have it ready when The Husband came home so that we could eat, go get my car from the body shop, and get back home at a reasonable hour.

"The best laid plans," as they say.  Just as I was about to pop the rolls in the oven, The Husband called.  He was still at work.  It would be over an hour before he got home.  


I put everything back in the oven to keep it warm.

It was almost 9 p.m. by the time we got the car home.

I'm still feeling crappy, but I'm going to work.  


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