Tuesday, August 31, 2021

 I am happy to report that the gnat population in our house is considerably thinner, thanks to the vinegar/sugar/soap combo.  We actually did not know that we had SO MANY gnats in the house.  We set out three bowls of gnat bait.  I counted about 40 deceased gnats in one of the kitchen bowls, and probably 30 more in the other two, combined.  I dumped all of the bowls and re-filled them with fresh bait this morning, mostly just to keep track of how many new ones we're offing.

It irks me that the gnats spend a lot of time crawling around inside the bowls without getting in the vinegar, so I tried an experiment.  I sprayed a saucer with quilt basting spray (glue in spray form), put some new vinegar in the saucer, and waited for a gnat to land on the saucer, hoping he'd get stuck in the glue.  He crawled around all over the glue, and it didn't stick him to the saucer, but it seemed like it kept him from getting enough "lift" to fly away.  He out-smarted me by crawling off the saucer then flying away.

Yeah, I lead an exciting life.

* * * * * * * * 

It's a little after 8 p.m., and it's already pitch dark outside.  The days are getting shorter.  Most people I know like Daylight Savings Time for the extra evening light, but I don't.  I like my daylight in the morning.  When my sons were little, it was hard to get them inside for dinner in the summer, and hard to get them to go to sleep at a reasonable hour when it was still a little bit light outside.  Being a morning person, my energy evaporates fairly early in the evening, and I want to go to bed!

When The Husband and I married, we quickly realized a difference of opinion about bed-time.  I'd always gone to bed about 9; his bed-time was closer to 11.  We compromised on 10 and have stuck to it for these 40+ years.  But by 10, I have been worthless for 2 hours.  

I'm worthless right now.  

Good night.  :)

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