Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Bumfuzzled - March 26, 2024

I am sitting here, basically paralyzed with indecision and confusion.

Yesterday I visited what I hope were the remaining sites where county documents are stored.  To do this, I climbed ladders, stepped over conduit, moved furniture, and crawled over boxes.  Then I picked a spot and started listing what I saw.  

This is a mess.  I inventoried 80% of the contents of a small room yesterday.  There were heavy boxes on top of file cabinets that I couldn't get to, and file cabinets on top of file cabinets that I could not open.  

This morning, I began a spreadsheet listing what I've catalogued, so far.  It's just a drop in the bucket.

I may be going about this in the wrong way.  

I may need some muscle.

On a happer note,

I planted the Community Garden plot yesterday morning.  Three rows of sugar snap peas, with lettuce around the sides.  As hard as the wind was blowing when I planted the seeds, the tiny lettuce seeds may sprout in the county south of us.  It rained yesterday afternoon, so maybe the stuff will shoot up out of the ground like crazy.  

I had to meet The Husband at 4:30 at a body shop to drop off my car for repairs on my bumper where I plowed into the handicap sign in the middle school parking lot a couple of weeks ago.  (I'm STILL not over that phantom sign appearing out of nowhere like it did.)  I left off my inventorying at 3:30 with an hour to spare.  On my way to the body shop, I stopped at a nursery to get another hydrangea for the stump garden, and then I went to visit my granddaughters to hear about their spring break trip.  

It was drizzling, and there was a traffic light out on the highway a mile or two from the body shop.  Rush hour, traffic for miles.  Firetrucks racing through intersections.  Fate was with me, and I was able to make a left-hand turn into the body shop parking lot, only 5 minutes late.  While The Husband did the business, I transferred all my crap from my car to his truck, and we started home.  He knew that my cooking supper was off the list.  I had not eaten lunch (or finished my breakfast, come to think about it) and was STARVING, and tired, and grubby, but I didn't want anything from any of the drive-thru windows; I just wanted to get home, shower, eat some toast, and go to bed.  So that's what I did.

I was up, reading archive how-to manuals, at 4 this morning.  

And now I'm about to hit the road to town to do more inventorying.

A home-cooked supper ain't lookin' too probable today, either.

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