Monday, May 27, 2024

Birthday Outing - May 27, 2023

Yesterday morning I asked The Husband if he had any plans for the day.  When he said, "Nope," I said, "Good."  I'd had a hard week.  The yard was too wet now.  The garden was too wet to work.  I had a good book to finish (Louise Penny, #18, I think) and a hand-embroidery project to work on.  Some recliner time sounded pretty good.  

A little later in the morning, as I was reading on the porch, The Husband came out and said he'd texted The Grandson to see if he would like to do something for his birthday.  The Grandson wanted a shopping trip.  They'd decided to go to the Bass Pro Shop at the Pyramid in Memphis, where they'd shop, ride the elevator up to the overlook, and have dinner in the restaurant at the top.

I dreaded the shopping part.  

We picked the boy up at 3:30. I separated from the pack right away and made a quick zoom through the store, not looking for anything in particular.  It wasn't long until I'd parked myself in a chair in the lobby with a Moon Pie and a Coke Zero.  

At about 5:30, the menfolk showed up, empty-handed, and ready to ride the elevator to the top.  

It costs $8.00 per adult to ride the elevator, but if you eat at the restaurant, they take it off your bill.  The elevator line was long.  At 5:55, we got close enough to the front of the line to read the sign that said the restaurant would close at 7:00.  We stepped out of the elevator just after 6:00 and were told that the restaurant was accepting only people with reservations after 6.  Except for the view, we'd wasted $32.00.  We ended up eating burgers at Walburgers (however it's spelled).  

I was disappointed that The Grandson hadn't found himself a birthday present.  Later, he texted me and said what he really wanted was a PlayStation gift card.  I tried to buy him one online this morning, but I'm not sure that it worked or if I can figure out how to get it to him (digitally) if it did work!

Today, after much lollygagging, The Husband took the estate sale Grand Cherokee (which he has named "Buckey") to a shop to have its rear end examined.  It's leaking something.  The Brother-in-Law says that it's not a serious problem, shouldn't cost much to fix.  Right.

After dinner, we re-arranged the driveway parking order and put the Wrangler where I can get to it.  I've been wanting to take the top off and drive it, but it's been raining a lot, and putting the top back on is a pain in the butt.  Plus, there's this big-headed stray cat that has been sleeping on the roof (until I catch him on it), and he'll probably be sleeping IN the Jeep if I summer-ize it.  

What to do?

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