Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Sopping Wet - May 22, 2022

Today, in my records organization assignment, I hit a milestone: I finished the first year.  It took me almost three weeks to do it.  

Working with important records with which I am unfamiliar is scary.  

When I go in tomorrow, the previous year's records will have been delivered to my workspace.  I'm told that they are even less organized/sorted than the year I just did.  Pray for me.

I high-tailed it home as soon as the first year's records left my sight.  It was raining cats and dogs.  I got soaked walking to my car.  On the way home, the ditches were all full, and water was pooling on the roads.  About halfway home, the rain slacked up.  The first thing I did when I got here was put on some dry clothes.

In the next day or two, I need to go to the greenhouse for some pepper plants.  I also need to pick the remaining sweet peas in the community garden plot, pull up the vines, chop the weeds, and plant the tomatoes.  Now that we've had this whopping big rain, it'll be a few days before I can do the chopping and planting.  In the next few days, The Boss is supposed to hook me up with tomato stakes from his barn.  I hope he brings them while the ground is still wet.

I need my watering can.  It's on Nanny's back porch.  When I go down there to get it, a 30-minute conversation will ensue.  

I should go read my work email first.

And, before I go to get the watering can, I will put something in the oven that needs to come out in 10 minutes.  On Nanny's back porch, I will pretend to be surprised when my phone alarms - "Oh!  The meatloaf's done!  I gotta run!"   ;)

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