Monday, May 20, 2024

Pea-pickin' - May 20, 2024

When I was assigned responsibility for the county's plot in the community garden, one of my co-workers volunteered to help.   That was last fall.

The sugar snap pea seeds and lettuce seeds went in the ground sometime in March.  The plants were up, 6" tall or so, in mid-April, when The Husband and I went on his work trip.  Before I left on that trip, I asked my helper to check on the sweet peas while I was gone.  She forgot.

It was no big deal, really.  The peas were blooming and needed staking.  I rigged up some sticks and strings to stake the peas.  The Monday before we left on our trip to Panama City, I picked a cereal bowl full of fat peas and some lettuce.  The peas would need picking again in a few days, as there were lots of not-quite-ready peas.  I asked my co-worker to pick them while I was gone.  It rained.  She didn't pick them.

I picked them today - TWO cereal bowls full this time, and a LOT of lettuce.  2.5# worth of stuff.  (They'll need one more picking before I pull them up and plant tomatoes.)  Charted it.  Took it to the office.  Washed it all, put it in the refrigerator, told everybody to have at it.

And then I went to work sorting records.  

Managed some face time with The Boss.  He's negotiating on an archive space.  <Fingers crossed.>

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