Saturday, May 11, 2024

What a week! - May 11, 2024

It feels like I met myself in the road this week.

Monday brought the start of a new project, organizing the Sheriff's Department's old records.  What a job!  It might take the rest of my life to finish it.  

Son #2, his wife, and the LRB went to east Tennessee to bring Granddaughter #1 home from college for the summer.  Granddaughters #2 and #3 stayed with their other grandparents for the first half of the week.  The Husband transported one of them to school every morning, as it was almost on his way to work.  Come Thursday, the girls moved to our house.  Girls need a phenomenal amount of STUFF to make it through a day.  This morning, we packed it all up and took it and the girls home, as their parents are due home any minute.

Last night about 9:00, Granddaughter #2 came running into the living room to show us a picture of the Northern Lights that one of her friends had sent to her telephone.  We all went outside and oooohd and ahhhhd over the sight.  For some reason, the colors showed up far better on our phones than they did with the naked eye.

Today we are working in the yard.  The folks on the hill are coming to dinner tomorrow night for Mother's Day dinner.  

I put myself in charge of getting my own Mother's Day gift this year.  At Christmas, I lost a peridot earring among all the wrapping paper at Son #2's house.  We never found it.  I loved those earrings, had asked for them especially to leave to Granddaughter #2, whose birthstone is peridot.  So one day this week I went to a local jeweler and asked him to make me another one.  Crossing my fingers that he can find a matching stone.

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