Monday, May 6, 2024

P.M. Edition - They're heeeerre . . . . - May 6, 2024

Today has been a blah day.  I didn't want to do anything I did but didn't have any better ideas.  I wound up being busy all day doing stuff that needed doing, like emails and phone calls.  Yuck.

Anyway . . . . 

I repotted most of my baby tomato plants, hoping to give them room to beef their scrawny asses up.  This is ridiculous.  They took for-EVER to sprout, and then they just sat there.  They were beginning to grow a little when we went on our trip and they spent a week on Nanny's dining room table, where they didn't get enough light.  I brought them home and set them on the patio table, which gets mid-day sun and is probably too hot for them.  They'd be better off on the ground but the freakin' animals would probably dig them up, and that would piss me off something fierce.

After dinner, we walked down to Nanny's to empty the mole trap and check on the purple hull peas.  If there's a bagging limit on moles, we may be close to reaching it.  I've trapped 3 in this yard, and 3 in Nanny's.  It takes two people (or one dexterous person) to get a mole out of the scissor trap.  Just getting the scissors to open is a chore, then you gotta rake the mole off the blades.  It's disgusting.  We've been throwing them out in the field when we get them un-stuck.  The hawks, owls, and buzzards probably love us.

Speaking of critters, I'm hearing cicadas for the first  time.   At least I think I am. The frogs are croaking, and the usual night bugs are humming, but there's a high-pitched hum that's not usually part of the mix.  I'm told that snakes enjoy cicadas.  Hopefully, they will enjoy them in the woods, where I can't see them.

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