Monday, May 4, 2020

Back to work (kinda) - May 4, 2020

I am going back to work today.  The courts are re-opening on a limited basis.  I won't be going to court with the judge as I did before the virus outbreak; I'll stay at the office.  There will be only a few cases on the docket, and no one but the parties and their attorneys will be allowed in the courthouse.  If the judge needs some typing done, she'll just have to call me on the telephone.  I'll do the typing and email the file to somebody at the courthouse for them to print.

I did basically nothing yesterday, except make a grocery store run, cook dinner, and practice my mandolin a little bit.  All of my muscles are sore and most of my joints are swollen from Saturday's gardening frenzy.  I planned to go back to the garden to do more tilling, and probably would have done so to work out the soreness, but a storm came up and soaked the garden.  It'll be a few more days before I can get seeds in the ground. 

There's a rabbit living under Nanny's back porch.  When I am finally able to put seeds in the ground, he will probably eat everything that sprouts.  One year a rabbit (or something) ate the green beans as soon as they had two leaves on them.  When I went to the garden the next day, all that was there was a bunch of Y-shaped stems.  At the time, there was an old guy who was a security guard at the courthouse entrance, and we used to talk about gardening.  I told him about the rabbit eating my green beans, and how I was going to have to re-plant.  He said, "Just be patient."  A few days later, the green beans leafed out again, bushier and healthier than ever.  When I told the security guy about it, he said, "See?  That little bunny knew what he was doing!"

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