Monday, May 18, 2020

Garden Progress - May 18, 2020

I checked the vegetable garden Saturday to see if anything had come up.  Nothing.  But I'm still hopeful.  I uncovered a seed or two in a green bean row, and they were swollen and about to burst open.  We had a good rain yesterday, so maybe that will help.

The day after my daylily shipment arrived, my sister sent me two buckets of daylillies from her garden.  She sent them by my niece, who texted me Thursday afternoon to tell me she had them.  I told her I'd come get them the next day when I got off from work.  Well, I forgot, and my niece texted me again Saturday morning and said that she would not be responsible for the death of the daylillies, so I went and got them on my way to the grocery store.

Since I'd planted twenty new daylillies only a day or two earlier, I was kind of out of the mood to plant more, plus I was running short of good places to put them.  But Nanny said she would like to have some of them, so I took half of them to her house and planted them near her back porch.  They should do beautifully there.  Meanwhile, I scoped out a couple of locations in my own yard where I can plant the other half.  I shall do that today, after work, if it's not raining when I get home.

The rain storm we had yesterday was a doozie.  Our electricity went out not long after the storm started and stayed off for a good while.  I'd put a roast in the oven about an hour earlier and worried that it would not get done in time for dinner.  Just as the power came back on, The Husband saw a stranger walking around in our back yard and went out to investigate.  It was the power company guy, checking on things.  It turned out that the wind had blown over a tree in our neighbor's yard, which had grazed their house and yanked the power line loose and zapped the transformer.  Our house and the neighbor's house were the only two houses affected.

The neighbors are elderly and had no way of removing the tree from the house themselves.  Our chainsaw is at the repair shop, and we had to hunt the neighborhood for one that would work.  Finally, we found one, and we mustered the local sons, grandsons, and nephews to come help cut up the tree and get it off the house.

Thankfully, the roast did get done in time for dinner.  :)

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