Thursday, May 14, 2020

Daylilies - May 14, 2020

A package arrived in the mail yesterday.  It was the right size and shape to be some shoes I had ordered a few days earlier.  I tore into the box, and it wasn't shoes.  It was daylilies that I had ordered w-a-y back in the fall.  Twenty of them.  I was so sore from wrestling the tiller Monday that my first impulse was to stick them in a bucket of water and deal with them later, but I knew what would happen if I did that; they'd most likely sit there and rot.  So I grabbed my little digger and stuck them in the ground, here, there, and yonder in the yard.  The exercise was good for working out a little of the soreness.

While I was resting on the porch after the planting, I kept hearing a strange, moaning noise coming from the woods behind the house.  There are squirrels and birds and frogs in those woods, and they make all kinds of weird noises, but this was something new.  In a few minutes, I caught some movement in my peripheral vision and looked up to see a big old turkey hen slowly strolling past the porch.  She ambled around for a few minutes, making that crazy moaning noise, then turned and eased back into the woods.  Just as I got up to go tell The Husband about the turkey, he came out to the porch.  When he heard the news, he grabbed his phone and started playing turkey calls, hoping to lure the hen back to the yard so he could take her picture.

Who keeps turkey calls on their phone???  Geez.

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