Sunday, July 12, 2020

Garden Tour - July 12, 2020

Since I discovered tomato worms on the plants Friday evening, I went to the garden early yesterday morning, picked all of the nearly-ripe tomatoes, and sprayed neem oil.  The horseflies were wearing me out so badly I couldn't even finish.  It made me so mad.

My garden helper.
I'd read about some stuff called "Tanglefoot," an adhesive that you can spray on non-porous surfaces to create a giant version of fly-paper.  I went right to the store and bought the Tanglefoot, some inflatable rubber balls, and a bicycle pump and needle.  I made the mistake of trying to put the goo on the balls before I affixed them to the poles on which I was going to mount them.  Got that stuff all over me, nearly glued my legs together from trying to hold the ball between my knees while I painted on the goo.  We finally got the balls attached to some metal fence posts.  Both of us were sticky when it was over.  The only thing we found that would get the goo off of us was some shop towels in a canister. 

By the time I came back to the house, The Husband had snapped the green beans we'd picked the day before.  I canned them, got six  pints out of that batch.

We'd also picked cucumbers for relish.  I chopped them and some peppers and onions in the food processor, salted them with pickling salt, and put them in the refrigerator overnight.  Today, I rinsed off the salt water, added vinegar and some spices.  They're cooking on the stove right now.  It looks like there'll be 6 pints of those, too.

I took some pictures around the garden yesterday afternoon.  Have a look.

Cayenne Peppers

My garden shed, where the tillers and hoes live.

Dinner bell

Ford Tractor.  Needs work.  That's the "big shop" behind it.

Green beans and okra.  There are actually 4 rows of green beans, but they don't understand "social distancing."

I like to pick the green beans while they're small and tender.

Tomatoes ripening on the back porch.

Purple hull peas.

Squash, between two rows of purple hull peas.  I don't know why I did that.  Lost count, I reckon.


Pimentos.  They're camera shy. 

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