Monday, July 20, 2020

Horse Head for Squirrels - July 20, 2020

I got a present from a friend in the mail today.

OMG...I am going to have so much fun with this.

It is a rubber horse head.  I have smeared peanut butter inside its snout and stuck peanuts and almonds to the peanut butter.  It is suspended about 10" from the ground.  Now, I just sit here and wait for the squirrels to find it.  ;)

This is what will happen:

 [belly laugh]  I cannot wait for my squirrels to find it.  Once they do, I'm going to suspend it over the monkey bar so that the squirrel has to stand on the monkey bar to get it.  :)

Yesterday, when I was preparing to cook supper, I discovered that my potatoes had sprouted.  The Husband picked up some new ones while he was out running an errand.  I saved the sprouted ones to plant in a big plastic tub.  When I came home from work today, I cut a few of the sprouted potatoes into chunks and have laid them on the back porch to heal.  Tomorrow, I'm going to buy some dirt, and when the potatoes heal, I'm going to plant them.  

I tried to grow potatoes in the garden one year.  Because I couldn't get the garden plowed until May, I was late planting them.  I dug a 6" deep trench x 50 feet long with a shovel.  My father-in-law, who used to supervise my gardening from the back porch, told me to put some blood meal in the trench with the potato sets to keep them from rotting, so I did.  Every night for a week, something dug up the potatoes.  It didn't eat them, just laid them aside.  I planted them again every day.

Pop-Pop said to hill up the dirt around the potato plants as they grew, so I did.

Come potato-digging time, I wanted to cry when I found just a few golf-ball-sized potatoes in the ground.  

When I showed them to Pop-Pop, he said, "Got yer seeds back."

He was a wise-ass.  :)

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