Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Squirrel Bait - July 21, 2020

I was hoping to have a bunch of time today to sit on the back porch and watch for a squirrel to find the horse head.  Since The Husband is working from home this week and has laid claim to my office, I brought my laptop and my coffee out to the table on the porch to do my morning reading.  The horse head was in my direct line of view, but during the time I could spend on the porch, I did not see - or hear - one single squirrel.

This is unusual.

Most mornings, I see them leaping between the trees in the gully, running up and down grapevines, and scampering across the yard.  And they usually chatter and bark in the morning.  This morning: nothing. 

When I came home from work, I set up shop on the porch again.  Still no sign of any squirrels.  The inside of the horse head still had peanuts stuck in peanut butter (though the peanut butter was a bit runny from the heat).  My friend suggested that I lure them toward the horse head by dropping a trail of nuts from the woods to the horse.  While I am not willing to share my good nuts with the squirrels, I did drop a line of honey mustard trail mix (that we don't like and won't eat) to the horse head.  The squirrels might not eat it, either, but maybe the scent might make them curious until they get close enough to smell the peanut butter.

A raccoon will probably eat the trail mix tonight.

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