Sunday, July 12, 2020

Post Garden Tour - July 12, 2020

When I made the bug balls, I had a little bit of goo left over in the can, and we came up with the idea to paint a milk jug with the remainder and hang it to catch bugs on Nanny's back porch.  I emptied a milk jug today, and so about 5:00, I took the supplies down to her back porch and set to work on it.

Things I learned from the bug balls:

1.  Hang whatever you're going to paint, and THEN paint it with the goo;
2.  Wear rubber gloves.

Anyway, I got the thing painted and hung up, hopefully out of the path of the hummingbirds but directly in the path of wasps and horseflies.  As I was standing there admiring my work, a little breeze blew up and knocked the thing against the porch wall, and it made me worry that Nanny would Nanny think someone was knocking on her back door if I left it hanging loose.  I found a little bracket screwed to the porch post, and ran a second string down to it.  Hopefully, it won't bang on the wall all night.

That done, I went out to the garden to check for tomato worms.  Found a couple of big, juicy ones and crushed them into the dirt.  I also found a good bit of blight on the lower leaves, and a bunch of limbs on the ground that I've been meaning all week to take care of.  So I picked all of the semi-ripe tomatoes, dosed up the sprayer with fungicide and herbicide, and did the tomatoes.  Cut off the blighted leaves, hauled them away.  Tied up the drooped limbs.  Pulled some grass.

Moved on to the squash.

I was talking with my brother about squash earlier in the week.  He complained that the squash bugs always get his first crop of squash.  I suggested we should both do some preventative spraying before we see squash bugs.  So, after I did the tomatoes, I picked the squash and sprayed it.

While I was picking the squash, I noticed that the purple hull peas needed picking again, so I picked them.  And gathered a few cucumbers for The Boss.

All that took three hours.

My everything hurts.

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