Monday, December 18, 2023

A good weekend - December 18, 2023

The Grandson is 16 years old and has a girlfriend, which means we rarely get to see him.  I texted him a couple of weeks ago to ask what he would like to have for Christmas.  He said, "How about a shopping trip?"  This suited me just fine.  

After we came home from our road trip, we made our shopping plans.  He wanted to go to the huntin'/fishin' store in the city.  We picked him up Saturday morning and had a good day shopping.  He spent the night with us, as he used to do almost every weekend.  We had a big breakfast and a lazy Sunday morning.

On our way to the store, Granddaughter #1 texted me to ask if I could fix a hole in her jeans.  I told her to bring them to me Sunday.  Around noon, she showed up with Granddaughter #3 in tow.  When we went into the sewing room, #3 whispered, "I LOVE this room!  It's a magical place!  I'm so glad I have you for a grandmother."  (Gotta love this kid!)  She set to work creating an original skirt design on the dressmaker dummy.  I set to work repairing the "hole," which turned out to be a stress rip next to the left back pocket.  It was a mess to fix, but we got it done with a patch cut rom a pair of my old jeans.

While this was going on, Son #1 (father of The Grandson) came in for a visit.  

It was a good day.

* * * * * * * * 

Last week, The Husband noticed an estate sale sign in the little town up the road.  Years ago, he had worked with the deceased and had not known of her death.  He came home and searched for her obituary and discovered that she had died a year ago.  How had we not heard about it?  Anyway, he looked up the estate sale online, and learned that the items for sale included a vehicle, a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 125,000 miles on it, according to the web page.  It looked very nice in the pictures.  Having known the owner, we expected that the vehicle had been well maintained.  Saturday morning, we dropped by the estate sale on our way to pick up The Grandson for our shopping trip.  He made a reasonably low bid, based on some values he'd seen online.  While we were shopping, the estate sale company notified him that his was the highest bid.  He was like the coyote in the roadrunner cartoon in which the coyote finally catches the roadrunner:  "Ok, I got it.  Now what do I do?"

We took The Grandson to lunch, then dropped by the estate sale to write the check.  While this was happening, The Grandson inspected the car and discovered that it was actually a 2007 model.  

We can't bring the car home until the check clears, which should happen in a day or two.  

Now what to do with it. 

The Grandson asked for my 1998 Jeep Wrangler when he was six years old, and I flippantly said he could, if I still had it by then.  I still had it when he turned 16, and I regretted the bargain I'd made with the 6-year-old.  As the date approached, I began to recommend other options so I won't have to give the Wrangler away.  (We've been keeping our eyes open for an older model truck.)  He doesn't have his driver's license yet, so the Wrangler is still in my driveway.  He expressed a keen interest in the Cherokee, but having ridden shotgun with him in the Wrangler to let him work on his driving skills, there ain't no way we're turning the boy loose in a vehicle with a hemi.  ;)

So I don't know what we're going to do with this car.  I think it was a good investment, and we could make a little $$ if we wanted to sell it.  But there are people in our family who struggle to keep their vehicles running, and it might be good to have a spare vehicle (besides the Wrangler, which routinely sits in the driveway with a dead battery).

* * * * * * * * 

I have a LOAD of stuff to do this week.  Today I had planned to grocery shop, but Nanny needs someone to drive her to a doctor appointment in the big city, so the groceries will have to wait.  Tomorrow is painting class day, and possibly lunch with my former boss.  I have to make sausage balls for the painting class party.  And, lunch or no lunch, after the party I must finish the Christmas shopping.  Tuesday night, Granddaughter #2 will be part of her middle school homecoming court, an event that cannot be missed!  Wednesday is office day.  Sunday night, the kids and extended family will be coming for dinner.  We still have not put up a Christmas tree or wrapped a single present.  The bed in a spare bedroom is loaded with stuff.  With all the little girls in the family, I'm not even sure what's for who anymore.  

It's time for me to shift into overdrive.


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