Friday, December 1, 2023

Friday, December 1, 2023

This is the first morning I've had all to myself in a week.

Starting on Thanksgiving, The Husband has been off work.  We were in Nashville on Monday and Tuesday, and he took off the rest of this week because he needed to use up some vacation time.  While I was at work Wednesday, he winterized the porch, which I thought was a terrific use of his time.  ;)  Today, he's gone to the big city to help deliver some collapsible wagons to the Ronald McDonald house.  

I had my yearly physical yesterday.  (Got passing grades on everything.)  My appointment wasn't until 2:15, and I wasn't supposed to eat anything so they could test my blood for cholesterol and such.  (My passing grade may get lowered when those test results come back!)  As soon as the visit was over, I headed to the grocery store and, being hungry, bought everything I saw, including fried chicken strips from the deli.  I hardly ever eat anything deep fried.  My tummy filed complaints during the night.  

So I was up early this morning.  Cooked breakfast.  Swept and mopped the floors while The Husband emptied his truck bed.  Now it's time to play.

The first thing I need to do is finish my friend's canvas chair back.  It goes on a director's chair.  She sent it to me more than a year ago.  She raises puppies and wanted her kennel's logo embroidered on the back.  I happily agreed to do it, thinking it would be a piece of cake since I'd already digitized the logo.  When the chair back arrived, I discovered that I'd have to take it apart to embroider it.  Then I could not find the embroidery design on any computer in the house and realized I'd have to start the logo from scratch.  I laid the project aside, and it eventually got buried in the rubble in the sewing room.  Back in March, when I was purging craft room to turn it into an office, I ran across it and put it away somewhere safe.  When my friend mentioned the chair back last week, I committed to finishing it this week.  

It took me an hour to locate the "somewhere safe" place.  Thankfully, most of the pieces were there.  I did find the logo design on an old computer, but it was not suitable for the chair back, so I had to re-do it.  I sewed the design yesterday evening.  I am not 100% satisfied with the way it turned out, but it'll have to do.  Now I have to figure out how to put the blasted thing back together.  One piece - a stiffener that goes between the layers - is missing.  I probably threw it away during the purge, thinking it was a scrap from another project.  Hopefully, a strip cut off of a yoga mat will make a good substitute.  

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