Tuesday, June 4, 2024

EM-1 - June 4, 2024

This is just to remind myself that I dosed the community garden tomatoes and our personal tomatoes with EM-1 early this week.  It's an unopened bottle that I bought last year.  The expiration date is later this month.  Hopefully, it's still got a little "oomph."  

The ground in both gardens is soggy.  Some spots in our personal garden were standing in water when I drenched the tomato plants with the EM-1 on Sunday.  It rained the next day.  The community garden got its dose this morning.  It's raining now.  

Were the drenches a waste of time?  Maybe not.  It's supposed to be good for the soil, even if it didn't stay on the leaves for long.

That is, if the little critters in the bottle - whatever they are - don't drown.

* * * * * * * * 

Year 3 of The Project is moving slowly.  The documents in these boxes were rubber-banded together and have fused to the paper after 20 years in a hot attic.  I had to microwave some pages to peel them apart without ripping them.  And they were still sticky once they were separated.  I didn't know what else to do except cover the sticky places with clear tape so that they won't stick to anything else.  

When I left today, the documents were separated into piles, A - Z, and stacks A and B were alphabetized. Stack C was too big to tackle late in the afternoon, and my back had bent over the worktable for long enough, so I skedaddled.

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