Tuesday, June 25, 2024

I was hard at work by 7 this morning, finishing up Year 5.  By 2:00, I'd emptied one box of Year 6 records and sorted them into piles.  I could have worked at it a little longer, but there were other "official" work duties I needed to do.  

The tomatoes in my personal garden had a few baby tomato worms on them this weekend, so I figured I ought to check for worms/bugs in the community garden plot. Didn't see any, and didn't spray any insecticide - don't want to use it if I can keep ahead of the worms by picking them off when they show up.  But I haven't been checking the community garden EVERY day, and a tomato worm can strip a plant in a heartbeat, so I need to step up my surveillance.  I watered the plot while I was there.  About an hour later, the garden manager sent out a text blast that said they were running the sprinklers.

We finally - FINALLY - took the Wrangler to the transmission shop.  It has needed attention for a couple of years.  The automatic transmission does fine EXCEPT when I stop with the Jeep in Drive, such as at a red light or stop sign.  It acts like it wants to GO FORWARD, and when my foot on the brake prevents it from going forward, the engine goes dead.  All the rest of the time when I'm driving, it does fine.  I've been shifting into neutral at red lights to keep this from happening.  It's getting old.  The Husband has been playing telephone tag with the repair shop for two weeks.  I got the right guy on the phone on the first try, and he told me to bring it on in.  So we did.  He predicts the problem is the torque converter.  I have no clue what that is, except the guy assured me it's part of the transmission.  Will it cost more to fix it than the Jeep is worth?

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