Thursday, June 20, 2024

Life with Axel - June 20, 2024

We're on Day 4.5 of Life with Axel.

He's an old dog, set in his ways.  I both feel sorry for him and want to throttle him.

Last night at midnight, I heard a soft-ish, mournful howl.  We've been keeping our bedroom door shut at night we don't want him in our bed.  I got up to check on him.  He was just standing in the middle of the living room floor, howling.  I asked him what he wanted.  He just stared at me.  I thought, Screw you, dog, and went back to bed.  At 4 a.m., The Husband heard him howling, got out of bed, let him outside, gave him a snack.  Shoot, he wouldn't do that for ME at 4 a.m.!  ;)

Project Year 5 is coming along.  I hope to finish it tomorrow, but will have to go in early, work through lunch (I do those things, anyway), AND work a little later in the day.  Working later tomorrow is a problem; tomorrow is margarita night, and the margarita cannot be delayed (much).  

There are probably 10 more years of records to do.  At the current rate of 1 year per week, I will be what? - middle of September? - finishing.  Hopefully, the volume really will get smaller as the years recede.  But The Husband and I have another 3-day road trip in July, and something else planned for August, so that will cut into my work time.

When all of the Project Years are finished, I move on to a different set of records.  These records are stored in an unheated, un-air-conditioned place.  At first, I will bake, then I will freeze by the time the job is done.  Something else to whine about, eh?

I *could* retire in October.

Might do it.

Might not.

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