Friday, July 2, 2021

Relishing - July 2, 2021


I went down to the garden after work today, intending to just look, no plans to do any work, expecting the ground to be too muddy to walk on.  A couple more of our squash plants had wilted.  I don't know if bugs caused it or if they're just water-logged.  I did not see any bugs, nor did I see any holes bored in the stems.  While I was examining the squash, I picked it.  I also picked the cucumbers and found some HUGE ones that had grown big but had not turned yellow.  Picked them, and a few ripe tomatoes.  Some of the pepper plants had fallen over, heavy with peppers.  I picked the peppers, too.

It turned out that I filled up a big bag with vegetables, mostly those giant cucumbers.  Nanny took a tomato or two.  Uncle B took a couple more tomatoes, some squash and some peppers.  Barely made a dent in the bag.  I came home and chopped up some tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions, and soaked them in sweetened vinegar.  We had some for supper.

Since I had all those giant cucumbers, there was no better time to start a batch of cucumber relish.  There weren't enough onions and peppers for the amount of cucumbers, so I had to go to the store to boost my supply.  I bought red peppers to pretty-up the relish.  Also stocked up on sugar and vinegar.  There were no canning lids to be found.

In a day or two, there'll be enough ripe tomatoes to make a batch of chili sauce.  That's the stuff I love best!

I may not make any pickles this year.  We still have some left from last year, and I am short on storage space.  If we run out before next year, I'll just have to buy some.  *gasp*

Anyway, the relish is soaking in the refrigerator.  Some time tomorrow, I'll cook it and get it in the jars.

One of the watermelon seeds I planted in the tray on the front porch has sprouted.  

I forgot to check on the butternut squash.

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