Monday, May 15, 2023

Garden Check - May 15, 2023

Late Saturday afternoon, I went to the garden intending to plant the 18 pepper plants that had been living on the front porch for a week.  The soil was too wet, so they're back on the porch for a few more days.

All but four of the tomatoes are hanging in there, though they're looking a little yellow from all the rain.  There are still a few tomato plants on the patio table, but I may not use them to replace the dead ones in the garden, since I planted too many, anyway.

The great northern beans are showing out.  They'll need thinning when the soil dries up enough to walk on.

Cucumbers and squash are going strong. 

Purple hull peas and okra are being lazy, sprouting sporadically.  I worry that the garden critter(s) may have dug up and eaten some of the pea seeds as soon as they were planted.  If more plants don't sprout this week, I'll re-plant.

The low spot in the garden is thick with what Nanny calls "water grass" (I don't know what it is), and I can't get in there to do anything about it until the ground dries.  

* * * * * * * * 

We had a good Mothers Day weekend.  

My original plan was to cook a full-blown Sunday dinner for Nanny and the daughters-in-law, but I was sick with a cold all last week (and am still hacking and snotting) and did not feel up to it.  Plan B was to buy barbeque and fixin's from a local BBQ joint.  The Husband said he would rather grill hamburgers and hot dogs.  Saturday we went to the grocery store for supplies, and Sunday at 5 we served up the food.  Son #2 and Granddaughter #1 had to work, and The Grandson couldn't make it, but the rest of the family was here.  We had a good time.  I did manage to make a cake for dessert - a butter pecan praline cake.  It was scrumptious - so scrumptious, in fact, that I made The Husband take the leftovers to work this morning.  

There's a pop-up garden center on the corner near the grocery store.  Earlier in the week, I'd told The Husband, "If the kids ask what to get me for Mothers Day, tell them I want two shasta daisies - one from each son."  (They must not have asked, for one day last week, Son #2 dropped by the house with a wonderful rose bush, and Son #1 showed up yesterday with a cute metal garden ornament.)  When we left the grocery store, The Husband said, "Do you still want two shasta daisies?"  I said I might take just one, so we went over to the garden center.  While browsing, I spied a "Blushing Bride" hydrangea and ended up bringing it home for the hydrangea "island" I am trying to create.  The Husband was kind enough to dig the hole for me.

I still haven't planted the rose bush.  Every day, I look around the yard for the best spot.  The best spot is currently full of daylilies.  This will require some snake boots and a lot of digging.

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