Monday, May 8, 2023

Proclamation: Winter is Over - May 8, 2023

My tailfeathers are dragging this morning.  

For a person who seldom goes anywhere except the grocery store and the Dollar General, last week was extraordinarily busy.  Work, grandchildren events, yard work, gardening.  I even left the property Saturday morning to meet my sister at a gardening expo.  Yesterday morning, I woke up with a stuffy head and a sore throat.  I'd been attributing the stuffy head to allergies and all the dust I breathed last week while mowing and tilling, but it could be that I picked up a bug at one of the events I attended.  In any case, I'm moving kind of slow this morning.

The gardening expo was a good outing.  There were vendors and hourly lectures on various topics.  My sister and I went to a talk on landscape design, and another on backyard chickens.  

The chicken house I bought - what, two years ago? - is still in its unopened box under a love seat on the back porch.  Now and then, I'll look at it and think, I should put that together.  But then, I think, will take days, and it might rain...too hot...too many critters.  I guess I'm waiting on a firm decision about getting chickens.  

I don't really want chickens.  I want their eggs and their poop (for compost), but I don't want the chickens, themselves, or the work that comes with them, or the guilt from exposing them to near-certain death at the hands (claws?) of the other critters domiciled on this property.  (Did I ever tell you about the unfortunate Easter ducks?)

But it wouldn't be so bad to have a chicken house, decorated all cute.  

With a "Vacancy" sign over the door.

The expo landscape design talk was very basic - practical stuff, like figuring out your "style" before you start digging.  The slides that went with the presentation were absolute eye candy.  Among the pictures was a picket fence painted with giant echinacea flowers.  I don't have a picket fence, but I have a compost bin that needs to be hidden, so I came home and painted one of the 48" x 52" plywood shipping panels that came with our flooring.

The original was far cuter.

At first, I intended to mount this on hinges as a door for the 3-sided compost bin I built.  But you know what would happen, don't you?  The hinges will give way.  The panel will warp and peel.  Besides, the compost bin needs air.  So now I have this big panel that I don't know what to do with.

I might just nail it to the side of the gardening shed at Nanny's, if she will let me.

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