Saturday, June 10, 2023

Company - June 10, 2023

It's been a busy week on the hill.

The Husband's niece and her family were our house guests this week.  They arrived Monday and left for home yesterday (Friday).  Tuesday evening, we invited all the family on the hill to supper and fed them BBQ ribs and fixin's.  We had a good time.  One of our guests was a four-year-old boy.  It's been a long time since little boys were in our house, but we still have trains and tractors and superhero swords left over from two generations of other little boys, so the little chap was pretty well entertained.  I found his cowboy boots in the bedroom after he left, along with various hair clips, lotions, and lip gloss left by his 12-year-old sister.  Looks like I'll be mailing a package this week.  

This weekend The Husband's high school class is holding their 45-year class reunion.  Notice that I said, "This weekend . . . ."  It's not a one-day event.  Friday night there was a "meet & greet" at a local community center.  Last night, there was a cookout at a park.  The Husband spent all day Saturday hauling grills and ice and drinks to the park.  Tonight there's a final party at a venue just up the road from our house.  It is so weird to look at these high school friends and see an ocean of gray hair. 

Tomorrow is The Nugget's (Granddaughter #3's) birthday.  She asked for a coffee-flavored birthday cake.  I found a recipe for a tiramisu cake.  I will make the layers and the filling today, but will wait until tomorrow to make the whipped-cream frosting.

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I worked in the vegetable garden a lot this week, mostly chopping weeds/grass.  The pinto beans we planted last weekend still have not sprouted.  We're supposed to get some rain over the next few days, so maybe that will bring them up.

There were two small squash on the vines late in the week.  They're probably big enough to eat by now.

We finally have little tomatoes on the grape tomato plant.  The other tomatoes (some of them) are just starting to bloom.  I replaced the drowned tomatoes with the extra plants that have been living on our patio table all season.  I did not water them at the time I planted them, intending to come back to water them later in the day, but things came up, and I forgot.  I hope they're still alive to benefit from the coming rain.

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