Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Critter Watch - June 20, 2023

The Husband and I were absolute slugs yesterday.  He was home, being off work for Juneteenth.  We had leftovers in the refrigerator and had no need to cook.  He either sat in his recliner, surfing the internet on his tablet, or sat in the office, playing along with ukulele videos.  I sat either on the back porch (also surfing the internet) or on the bed in the spare room, playing the new Zelda game.  

I did manage a mid-morning walkabout in the yard.  The zinnia bed I showed you yesterday has been invaded by a weed that I've been watching for a week or two.  Didn't have a clue what it was.  Its foliage is pretty - rather fern-like - and I have been contemplating letting some of it stay.  Yesterday, I decided to try to identify it, to see if it is invasive or if it has a pretty bloom.  Come to find out, it is a type of prostrate spurge.  The pictures showed blooms that are not very showy.  I decided it had to go and spent a few minutes pulling it up.  I did leave one or two little samples, to see what they'll eventually do.  Will probably end up yanking them out once I see what the bloom looks like.

(A dove just landed on the swingset in the back yard and called its mate.  A few seconds later, the mate flew in, landed, and flew away again.  I've been hearing dove calls all morning, but I have never actually SEEN a dove doing its call.  Cool.)

After the weeding, I resumed my slugging.  (Slughood?)  Watched some watercolor tutorials.  Played Zelda off and on throughout the afternoon.  

This game . . . . 

I've written about the Zelda game series in other posts.  I've loved the games because they teach lessons.    Link, the main character, is the quintessential hero, determined to save the princess (and the whole society) from an evil presence.  He fights monsters, not people.  He has to use his wits to overcome obstacles.  In this new game, he encounters unfamiliar objects and must figure out their use in order to accomplish his goals.  Children probably don't have nearly the trouble figuring out what to do with these object as this old lady does!  

Ah, well . . . it keeps me off the streets.  ;)

* * * * * * * * 

The Husband did manage to set up the trail camera that he got for Fathers Day.  He strapped it to a two-wheeled dolly so that we can easily move it around the yard (which I thought was pretty smart).  

He aimed it at the shed, where we think Jose' lives, but we got no pictures last night.

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