Monday, February 26, 2024

Monday - February 26 ,2024

We could not have asked for a better February weekend than the one we just had.  It was warm and sunny - a little windy, but tolerable - both days.  Daffodils are blooming around the porch, in the front beds, and along the driveway.  

The daffodil bed is lovely (from a distance) once a year.  The foliage conceals a tangle of dewberry vines that I have given up trying to eliminate.  The vines, themselves, are not all that unsightly, and they do make berries (though the critters get them), but they make it tough to weed out other weeds and saplings. 

Tulip foliage is sprouting, but they are old bulbs that have been in the ground for years, and they probably won't bloom.  (Although I did replant some that I dug up when I was planting something else; they might give it a try.)  

I think the milkweed seeds are sprouting.  I planted them in the phlox bed, and these sprouts don't look like phlox or any of the many weeds that inhabit that bed.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  

I was excited to find a few larkspur sprouts in the zinnia bed.  I planted the seeds last June, if you can call throwing them on the ground "planting."  A local gardener gave me the seeds when I commented on her lovely larkspur crop.  She just reached over, stripped the seeds from a dried stem, and put them in my hand.  I scattered them in the zinnia bed when I got home, and when I raked the leaves from that bed last week, there were a few larkspur under them.  I so hope that one of the plants survives to make more babies for next year.  The leaves are still lying next to the bed.  If we get another bad cold snap, I will put them back.

Zinnias aren't up, yet.  

Hellebores are going to town.  I love them.  Later today, I'm going on a hunt for hellebore babies.  

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