Sunday, September 29, 2024

A whole 'nother day - September 29, 2024

So what did I do with it?

At the end of the day, not a whole heck of a lot.

We needed stuff.  Dishwasher pods. Coffee.  Butter.  I placed an online order with a pickup time between 1 and 2, thinking I'd leave early and go to the bakery, fill up my car with gas, run by a garden center.

Do you think I did all that?


I picked up the grocery order, picked up a pizza from a drive-thru joint, and high-tailed it home.

It rained, off and on, all afternoon.  I finished one book, started another.  Embroidered a few stitches on the 19th quilt block.

One more quilt block to embroider after this one, and then it will be time to decide how to put them together and how to quilt them.  My plan is to set the squares together with sashing.  The squares are pre-marked with quilting lines; it's the quilting method that has me in a quandary.  I'd like to hand quilt it, myself, but I'd also like to have it finished before the end of the century.  I could set up my short-arm quilting machine, but I have never been satisfied with any quilt I've done with that machine.  What I'd really like to do is an old-fashioned quilting bee, with family members around the frame. 

Maybe I could bribe some cousins with the promise of a margarita party when we're done. ;)

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