Saturday, September 28, 2024

Saturday? - September 28, 2024

Is it Saturday?  It feels like Sunday, probably because I don't have a bit of a margarita hangover this morning.  ;)

Yesterday The Husband had a doctor visit (he's doing well), and I took off work to drive him.  The appointment was for noon.  It was raining cats and dogs when we left our house at 10:45. City driving makes me tense on a good day, but we made it to the doctor's office unharmed and on time.  A screw-up about bloodwork made the visit run late.  It was 5:00 (and still raining) by the time we got home.

We were both starving and would've enjoyed our Friday night Mexican dinner and a margarita, but because his doctor visit had involved light anesthesia, The Husband wasn't quite up to going out.  We made do with turkey sandwiches.

I got up this morning thinking it was Sunday, and didn't know any better until The Husband got up, turned on the TV, and CBS Sunday Morning wasn't on.  

It's kind of nice to add a whole 'nother day to the weekend.  ;)

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