Sunday, October 18, 2020

From the back porch - October 18, 2020

 It's raining this morning.

I hope it drowns that blasted mole I've been trying to trap for 2 days.  

I found his trail Friday afternoon about 2:00.  It was at least 30 feet long.  I stomped it flat and set the trap - a viscous, scissor contraption.  Two hours later, the mole had re-dug the entire tunnel, somehow managing to avoid the trap.  I pulled up the trap, lubricated it, and re-positioned it in the trail.  Yesterday morning, it looked half-sprung, but when I pulled it up, the scissors were still closed, and there was no mole in it.  It appeared that the mole had dug around it.  I stomped the trail flat again and re-positioned the trap.  From where I sit now, I can see that I still haven't caught the mole.  

Yesterday was an exceptionally beautiful day, trap failures notwithstanding.  Mid-afternoon, we went to a "drive-by" birthday party for Uncle B from across the road.  It was his 90th birthday.  They held his party at his church.  I'm not sure how effective the "drive-by" part was for keeping him safe from covid, for he walked up to every car to visit with each guest.  Hopefully, the occupants of the car were wearing their masks, as we were.

After the drive-by party, The Husband and I drove down to the river (the Mississippi) and through the river bottom farmlands, cotton on one side of the road, soybeans and corn on the other.  It had been years since either of us had taken this drive.  The river was surprisingly low, with sandbars exposed.

Last night, after the kids and granddaughters came home from their excursion, we built a fire in the back yard and listened to the owls and coyotes while the granddaughters played hide-and-seek in the yard.  It was nice.  :)

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