Thursday, October 1, 2020

From the back porch - October 1, 2020


What a lovely, pleasant day it is!  I am killing time on the back porch while the embroidery machine runs, and watching The Granddaughters' dogs make fools of themselves.

I guess you've heard me tell a lizard story or two, and so you already know that we have frequent visits from lizards on the back porch.  The Granddaughters' dogs have not encountered lizards very often in their lives, being house dogs and all, and lately they've had a good bit of entertainment sniffing and chasing them on/around the porch.

Just as I started this post, a lizard ran up the screen on the outside of the porch.  His shadow scurried across the floor.  Both dogs, which had been lazing peacefully in the sunny patches, suddenly jumped to their feet and pounced on the shadow.

And then they both looked around, ears bowed up, like WTF? Where did it go?  Bahahahaaaaaaaa!  :)

But I was going to tell you about my sewing room.

My embroidery machine has been in the shop.  It was sewing
fine, but it had stopped telling me when it was out of bobbin thread, and it would just sew and sew and sew before it realized the stitches weren't locking down.  It's been doing that for a good while, but I've just tried to remember to check the bobbin thread each time I change thread colors.  But I've got a big project to do, so I finally took it to the shop Saturday.  Picked it up Tuesday, and it's been sitting on a table, waiting to be plugged up, ever since.  Today, I decided to put my work area back together again.  

On the sewing table is a wooden thread rack that holds 32 spools of thread.  It sits on the table like a picture frame, with a leg that extends from the back to hold it upright.  It barely - barely - fits on the table.  I have several others just like it that are nailed securely to the wall instead of sitting up like picture frames, but when I first got this thread rack, the wall space where it needed to go had something else in it, and I didn't have the time or the desire to take the stuff down, so I just set it on the table "temporarily."  It's been there at least a year.  I have been sooooooo careful not to knock it over.  

Until today, when I was trying to plug the embroidery machine back in.  As I was leaning over the table, looking for the socket, I must've bumped the thread rack.    

My sewing room floor is hardwood; thread spools went everywhere.  

So today was the day that I took the other stuff off the wall (now I've got to figure out what to do with that mess) and screwed the thread rack in its place.  I found the 32 spools of thread and wound the un-spooled thread back onto the spools, and put all the spools back on the pegs.  Once that was done, I started the embroidery machine and came out to the porch to relax while the machine did its thing.

* * * * * * * *

[Two hours later]

As I was sitting here writing, I heard a crunching sound, and looked over to find both of the dogs gnawing on something.  I yelled and jumped up, and the dogs jumped back from whatever it was they were crunching on.  I picked it up and could not identify it.  It was gray and crumbly.  

Long story short (too late?), we think was a block of mouse poison - or, rather, half a block.  I could not tell which dog had eaten the other half, or if either of them had eaten any of it.  (There could've been only half a block when they found it, if a mouse found it before they did.)  We scooped them both up and headed for the vet clinic.

The vet squirted syringes of peroxide into their mouths to make them puke.  And they did puke.  The vet said he did not see anything but dog food in the puke.  He said he thought they'd be ok, but told us what symptoms to watch for over the next few days.

We've searched the back porch but have not found any more mouse bait.  

Ollie, the bigger dog, puked again - a foaming puddle that appeared to have some grass blades in it.  I guess he's still a big queasy.

Other than that, both dogs seem fine, so far.  

I am a wreck, though.

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