Friday, October 2, 2020

We didn't kill the dogs - October 2, 2020


It looks like the dogs will survive the mouse bait fiasco.  They seem to be their normal, playful selves today.  

I went to work a little early this morning because I was in charge of a 10 a.m. Zoom conference between two judges and four lawyers, and I was a little nervous about it.  I'd set the thing up with Zoom a couple of days earlier and had emailed everyone the link, but we'd received emailed documents yesterday that needed to be forwarded to everyone who didn't get copied in the emails.  While I was in the middle of emailing the documents, twenty minutes before the conference was supposed to start, THE POWER WENT OUT IN OUR BUILDING.  No phones.  No internet.  No lights.  Jeeeeeeeeez.

I called the other judge's assistant and asked her to email everyone and tell them that the conference might not happen.  Fortunately, about five minutes until 10, the power came back on, and we were able to start the conference on time.

After work, I went to the garden to see what was there.  The purple hull peas have "done their do," as my mother used to say.  I will be pulling up the vines tomorrow.  I picked a few squash, a dozen tomatoes, and enough okra for two armies (not counting what had gotten too big and had to be thrown away).  

The cabbages look marvelous!

The broccoli and brussells sprouts?  Meh.

I brought the vegetables home and made okra & tomatoes.  The Husband and I are both in a funk about what to eat.  I have been taking antibiotics for a sinus infection, and my tummy doesn't appreciate it one bit.  We aren't particularly feeling okra & tomatoes tonight.  I cooked some rice, and cut up some shrimp in the okra & tomatoes.  I wonder if I could turn it into gumbo tomorrow?

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