Monday, January 31, 2022

Frustrating Week - January 29, 2022

So where was I? 

Oh, yeah:  co-worker #2 came down with covid on Thursday.

Friday morning, The Boss and I were in our office.  She, too, had been in the presence of co-worker #2 on Thursday while neither of them was masked.  She was antsy, worried.  "What are we supposed to do?" she asked me.  "Are we supposed to quarantine?  Wear masks?  What?"

I pulled up the CDC web site.  

Our situations were different.  I'd been boosted, she had not; she'd been sick with the flu when the booster shots came out.

"You're supposed to quarantine for 5 days, get tested, and wear a mask for 5 days after that when you're around people.  I'm supposed to wear a mask for 5 days and then get tested - no quarantine."

I was frustrated.  Since the previous Tuesday, I'd been sleeping in the spare bedroom, using a separate bathroom, confining myself mostly to the sewing room, and wearing a mask when I had to be in other parts of the house.  I'd washed my hands so often that my skin feels like sandpaper.  My 5-day clock for covid protocols had been ticking since Tuesday morning and was half over, but the clock had been re-set to Day 1 with the prior day's exposure.  And the weekend was coming up.  I'd need to wear a mask at home all weekend.  Goody, goody.

Yesterday evening (Sunday), The Boss called.  "Do you have covid?"

"No.  Do you?"

"Yes.  I'm pretty sure."  Fever, headache, sore throat, muscle aches.


We talked about what to do.  We'd scheduled covid tests for both of us the next morning, which was technically a day too soon, but she was supposed to hold court that morning and didn't want to take the bench without a test.  We met at the courthouse this morning, where the jail nurse was going to administer the tests.  She stayed in her vehicle.  Since I had no symptoms, I went in (with my mask on, of course).  For the next hour, I ran documents down the back stairs to be signed.  Meanwhile, the nurse did my test, then went to the parking lot to test The Boss, who went home after signing the last document.  

I left the courthouse and went to our office, washed my hands (for the 100th time this morning), wiped down some things with disinfectant.  The nurse called.  My test was negative.  Fifteen minutes later, The Boss called.  As she suspected, her test was positive.  We'd have to cancel court in three counties.

Before we hung up, she said, "The scientists ought to test your DNA, because there must be something about it that makes you immune to covid."  

But I still have a couple more days on my covid clock.  

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