Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year - January 1, 2022's 2022.

Back in the typewriter days, it took me the whole month of January to get used to typing the new year.  Now, I hardly ever type it, thanks to computers.  

Happy 2022.  

Our New Year's Eve was seriously tame.  BFF is still here.  I made some appetizers and a pasta dish for dinner.  There were enough leftovers to feed us today.

But since today is New Year's Day, we had to eat black-eyed peas, cabbage, and cornbread.  The pea-soaking started about 10 a.m.  About 4, I started the peas cooking, but I didn't have a cabbage.  I'd used it earlier in the week - cooked it in the crock pot with a pork loin, onions, and carrots - and hadn't replaced it.  The leftovers were in the refrigerator.  I thought, What the heck, I'll make black-eyed pea soup, and dumped cabbage, meat, and all into the pot with the peas.  On top of the cabbage bowl was a bowl of left-over red beans and rice.  I dumped it in, too.  And you know what?  It was good soup.  And you know what else?  We had left-over cornbread (from the night we had red beans and rice).  I feel so economical.  

Yeah, ok . . . I'm just lazy.

The BFF and I went for a drive in the rain today.  She was on a sleuthing mission to the next little town up the way.  It so happens that there is a second-hand store in that town that I've been meaning to visit.  It is run by the daughter of a friend-of-a-friend, a 30'sh young woman trying to make a go of it.  In my sewing room, there was a black plastic lawn bag full of pillows that I'd made when I had my craft booth.  The bag takes up a lot of space in the sewing room, and I've been meaning to either donate the pillows to the young woman's store or trash them.  One day last week I actually started with them to the garbage can but couldn't go through with it.  So we loaded them in the car and dropped them off after the sleuthing mission.

While we were in the store, I saw a Valentine's Day flag that I'd made for my craft booth.  I had donated it, along with some other stuff, to a church-based second-hand store the day I closed the booth.  It was kind of a Twilight Zone moment.

When we came home, we played in the sewing room.  We made some fabric birds to hang on the back porch, and some fabric fish to make a flag for BFF's kayak.  It was kinda fun.

Not a bad way to start the new year.  :)


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