Saturday, April 17, 2021

Tomatoes, Peppers, and Purple-Hull Peas - April 17, 2021


Not too long after this morning's post, The Husband came out to the porch and said he was about ready to go to Uncle Jack's and pick up the hiller.  The timing was perfect for us to pick up our grocery order after loading the hiller, and then we went out and found some landscape fabric.

While we were loading the hiller, I told Uncle Jack that the PTO tiller had not tilled as deeply as I wanted, and he told me that we needed to lower the front end of the tiller.  So when we got home, we adjusted the angle of the tiller and ran it over the garden a few more times.  Then we hooked up the hiller and made some rows.  That thing did a great job making rows.

We then planted 39 tomato plants, nine pepper plants of various types, and three rows of purple hull peas.  We covered the tomato rows with landscape fabric, and then I went down the rows, cutting Xs, making planting holes, and dropping a little Epsom salt into them.  The Husband came behind me, planting the plants.  Then we mulched the shit out of the rows with the pine needles I'd collected.

Thirty-nine tomato plants may be a few more than I intended.  A dozen of them were store-bought plants, much bigger (and of a different type) than the ones I sprouted.  The other 27 plants were the ones I grew from seeds.  They have been living on my front porch, which gets bright afternoon sun, for two weeks.  Some of them are a bit puny, so we may not end up with 39 tomatoes, after all.

We forgot to water-in all that stuff, but I'll do that tomorrow, assuming I'm not too "stove up" to get out of bed.

I planted zucchini, squash, and dill in the seed trays that had held the tomatoes.  Most of the time, I plant those kinds of seeds directly in the ground, but whatever - maybe they'll come up and live.  If they don't, I have more seeds.

The butterbean seeds should be here in a couple of days.  

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