Sunday, July 14, 2024

Busy Sunday - July 14, 2024

It was good to sleep in my own bed after a few days away.  I rolled out of the sack at 7:30 this morning, hungry as a bear.  After fixing us some breakfast, I went down to the garden.  

Grassy, grassy. 

The purple hull peas needed picking.

I dragged out the tiller and went to work on the grass, thinking I'd get the hard stuff done before it got any hotter.   Before long, The Husband showed up and started picking the peas.

This was the third pea-picking from those 4 rows.  I said to The Husband, "Pick everything on the vines, then we'll get rid of them.

Nanny came out while we were picking.  I asked her if she wanted me to plant more purple hull peas (we've got another 2 rows coming along).  She said she'd rather have butterbeans.  This meant we'd need to erect another fence, for there's no way Nanny and I are picking bush beans; she can't bend over for a long time, and my knees won't let me squat.  We didn't have any materials to build another fence, so I came home, did some googling, and ordered enough chicken wire and posts (to be picked up locally today) to make two 50-foot fences for the butterbeans.

Then there's the problem of seeds.  The garden center that sells bulk seeds had several varieties of bush bean seeds but was out of pole lima bean seeds.  Had to order those online, too.  Hopefully, they will ship them right away and I can get them in the ground this week, for they take 88 days to mature.  That'll be mid-October.  Pushing it, aren't we?  

We went to town and picked up the fencing supplies, grabbed some quick-stop chicken strips, and came home to begin preparing for a birthday party we were having this evening.  Our guests were out kids, grandkids, and the relatives on the hill.  We fed them pizza and store-bought birthday cake.  It was a good party.  :)

I am tired and beginning to stiffen up from my encounter with the tiller.  

Check you later.

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