Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Road Trip - July 10, 2024

When The Husband gets out of the shower and gets his stuff loaded in the car, we'll be headed to north Georgia for his seminar.  This part of the country, the Tennessee-Alabama-Georgia corner, is beautiful.  We'll be driving state roads to get there, and we're leaving enough time to stop and see the world's biggest wad of chewing gum (whatever might spark an interest) if the notion hits.  

I'm taking my embroidery to do in the car, and my watercolor paints to play with during the day.  My BFF lives only a couple of hours away, and she might come for a visit.  We'll likely sniff out a margarita or two.

I did not get Project Year 7 *completely* finished before leaving work yesterday.  Yesterday was my regular day (second Tuesday of the month) to have lunch with my friend, my former boss.  I got to work at 6:45 but took an hour and a half lunch break.  At 3:30, the Cs and Ds remained to do, but I was spent by then.  They'll be there Monday when I get back to work, along with boxes containing Years 8 and 9.  Year 7 was not quite as voluminous as previous years.  I'm hoping it's all downhill from here.  

Our back yard is full of big black crows this morning, seven of them.  I heard and saw the first one hopping around in the grass.  He flew off, and when he got where he was going, he cawed, and FIVE MORE crows rose up out of the tree line - I hadn't even known they were there! - and followed him.  I thought, "WOW, SIX CROWS!" and then a 7th one, sitting in a tree at the edge of the yard, gave a loud caw and flew away.  I can imagine the conversation:

#1:  Everybody, come over here."

[pause while 2-6 heed the call]

#2:  Ok, that's all of them.  On my way."

What?  You don't listen to bird conversations?

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