Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sore - July 23, 2024

OMG...I am so sore.

The past weekend's cooler temperatures had me working in the yard and the garden all day Saturday and again Sunday morning. Physical stuff, like digging hard ground with a big shovel.  My thigh muscles, front and back, are on fire.  Walking isn't too bad, but sitting down and getting up are torture.

It rained here at home last night and also in the community garden.  Both gardens needed it.  Thankfully, both gardens are now in pretty good shape, as far as maintenance goes.

I un-boxed Year 10 today, and sorted it into A-B-C piles. It'll take 2 days to alphabetize it all.  Year 11 is in my workspace, ready to be tackled Friday.   

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