Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday - July 27, 2024

It's raining this morning.  We've had scattered rain all week, really, but earlier in the week when I checked on the vegetable garden, the ground was dry enough to walk on without getting muddy.  It's probably muddy now, though.  That's okay, for I did not plan on working in the garden today.  

This afternoon, I'm having an "introduction to the pottery wheel" lesson.  Birthday present from The Husband (along with new seat covers for the Wrangler).  I'm excited!  

Until then, I am going to play with a new set of paints I got in the mail this week.  Folded shut, it's about the size of a cell phone.  Inside there are 12 half-pans of paints and a metal flap that folds out for a mixing tray (the lid has mixing space, too).  It is small enough to hold in one hand while painting with the other.  And the colors are good.  It lacks a brown, but brown can be made from almost anything.

Last night's "band blowout" was fun.  The rain held off long enough for the band do its thing.  Got to see all of The Granddaughters.  

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