Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Plumb irked - July 2, 2024

A lot of stuff is irking me these days.

Maybe it's the heat.

Maybe is the crazy politics.  I try to stay away from political discussions these days, except to agree with people that we're in a hell of a mess. 

But I am perpetually irked about something.

Can't get the little red tiller started.  Meant to stop on the way home to get some starting fluid, but forgot.

I am sore from head to toe.

Sunday evening, it became necessary for me to assist The Husband in putting the deck back on the riding lawnmower after he installed new blades.  This required lying on my belly on a nasty concrete floor while holding something heavy off the ground - which, of course, required me to get down to the floor in the first place (and then get up again).  Lord have mercy on my bones and neck muscles.  When finally released from duty, I went out to the garden to pull weeds and soon attracted every biting insect in the neighborhood.  A little mercy on my skin would be nice, too.  ;)

Our bedroom A/C went out a couple of weeks ago.  I took off work last Friday to be home for the repairmen to come.  They installed a new thing in the attic and a new thing outside.  One or both of these new things failed the next day.  The repairmen came Sunday and spent most of the day working, and didn't get it fixed. They said they had to get a part and would install it Monday.  They had to order the part; the installation is supposed to happen tomorrow after 3.  

The whole dealing-with-repairs thing is cutting into work days, and I am anxious to get this record organization project OVER WITH.

I boxed up Year 6 this afternoon and wrote the contents on the boxes.  By that time, it was 3:00 and, as usual, I had been there since 7 and worked through lunch.  I looked at the Year 7 boxes, and even emptied one of them, but could not make myself start the sorting process.  Year 7 uses different forms - same information but arranged differently.  That will slow me down until I get used to them.   

And we've got a 3-day trip coming up, which will also slow me down.

Slow progress may be a blessing in disguise.  When I finish with these records, the next ones I tackle will be in an un-heated, un-airconditioned building.  Oh, joy.

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