Saturday, July 6, 2024

Pants on fire - July 6, 2024

The Husband made a liar out of me this morning.  I'm pretty sure it was deliberate, but that's okay, because it stashed a new trick in my hat for future use.

The trick? 

Tell on him to his mama.

And tell him I told on him

Yesterday, I told Nanny that [paraphrasing] there was no way her son would get up early to pick peas, and that we'd be down to pick them later.  When he got home from work yesterday, I reminded him that the peas needed picking, and followed it up by relating my conversation with Nanny.  

So, what did he do?

He got up relatively early, drank his coffee, and said, "I'm ready to pick peas when you are."

I nearly fainted.

But I put on my gardening gear that instant.

We picked a 5-gallon bucket more than half full of peas.

Pulled some weeds. Smashed two fat tomato worms.

The borox/sugar ant bait container had no ants in it this morning, but it did have some black particle-ish stuff in it.   I can't figure out what it is, or how it got in.  Nanny said it might be ant poop.  I don't guess I've ever seen ant poop, so I can't discount her theory.  Whatever it is, something hauled it in through the holes in the container.  

This bears watching.

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