Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Cool spell - August 7, 2024

The hurricane that poured rain on the southeast coast must have sucked away some of our heat, for it has been right pleasant today, a little overcast, a little windy.  Occasional wind gusts make it rain crape myrtle blooms in the back yard.  Since it's not sweltering hot, I ought to go check on the garden this evening to see if anything needs picking and if the new pea seeds are up.  

But I'm tired. I was on my feet today for nearly 8 straight hours, sorting papers on a table.

I started Project Year 13 yesterday, and as I was doing the first A-B-C sort, I noticed that Year 12 documents were mixed in with the Year 13 documents.  After an expletive-filled rant (which nobody heard because nobody was there yet), I un-sorted, pulling out the Year 12 records, when I then had to sort, alphabetize, and file in the Year 12 boxes.

Half of yesterday was lost to Uncle B's funeral.  The Husband was drafted to read the obituary at the beginning of the service.  A local musician who attends Uncle B's church played the guitar and sang (at Uncle B's request) I Want to Go Home.  We followed the hearse to the cemetery; in small towns in the South, on-coming traffic still pulls over and stops out of respect for a funeral procession.  After the burial, there was a dinner for the funeral-goers at the church fellowship hall, put on by the church ladies.  

We came home and collapsed into our recliners and watched a couple of episodes of Bridgerton.  I love the costumes and the stories, though there is w-a-a-a-ay too much heavy breathing for this old lady's tastes.  Good thing I have something to distract me.  

I've been embroidering quilt blocks at night, while the TV is on.  It all started with a $10 package of stamped quilt blocks I bought at an indoor flea market while we were traveling in April.  I thought there were 12 blocks in the package, and that they'd be enough to make a bed-sized quilt (with some creative sashing) for Granddaughter #3.  But when I opened the package, there were only six blocks (a fact that was written on the package, if I'd only paid attention).  Luckily, they are available online, so I ordered six more and then realized I needed TWENTY to make a quilt as big as I wanted to make. 

When I started the first block, on a whim, I embroidered the date - April 20th, if my memory is correct.  We were in the car, driving to our next destination, and I said to The Husband, "Let's see how long it takes me to finish this," and when I finished it, I embroidered that date, as well, and started the next one.  It turned out that I have either started or finished a block on a date that is significant in some way - like somebody's birthday.  I'm now working on #14, which I started it on Granddaughter #2's birthday.  

I can just see the finished quilt in my mind, but I'm not quite sure how I'm going to get there.  I would like to hand quilt it - a pretty quilting pattern is also stamped on the blocks - but I'd also like to get it done in this lifetime.  I'd rent time on a long-arm, if I could find one they'd let me drive (repetitive, computerized quilting is out of the question for this one). 

But I'll have to put the thing together, first, which will require a shopping trip.  

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