Monday, August 19, 2024

Fertilized and Watered - August 19, 2024

Yesterday morning, as we were on our way home from church, The Brother-in-Law texted me about the okra and purple hull peas I'd offered him Saturday.  He came for them when he got home and pretended that he hadn't expected shelled peas.  I told him I'd threatened to leave a 5-gallon bucket of unshelled peas on his front porch.  He said he knew how to shell peas and would've enjoyed shelling them.  

I wonder how he well he would enjoy picking them, for they're about to need picking again.  

We didn't eat his okra.  

I cooked a "mess" of peas for The Husband and me, and made mackerel patties out of filets that The S-I-L and B-I-L caught on their Florida vacation last year.  In general, I don't like fish and have been moving this vacuum-sealed package all around the freezer.  While looking for a meat to serve with our peas, I saw that fish and figured it was now or never, as they say.  The skin peeled right off.  I chopped it, mixed it with some stuff, and fried the patties in a little olive oil.  They were good.  For fish.

After work today, I weeded and fertilized the butterbeans, the southernpeas, and the new squash, then I watered the whole garden, except for the "new" purple hull peas.    The fertilizer was some kind of organic stuff that smelled like it has poop in it.  Maybe it'll do some good.  

Note to self:  do another soil test soon.

When I arrived at work today, the workers had taken away the things I asked them to move, but they did not bring down the rest of the boxes.  What they left were 4 boxes of 2001 alphabetized reports and one box of 2001 reports that they'd missed on the first go-'round.  It took nearly all day to work that one box into the 4 boxes.  When I left, I told the records lady to email me when the rest of the boxes have been brought down.  I hope they don't bring them for days.

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