Sunday, August 11, 2024

Orange Pigs and Canned Tomatoes - August 11, 2024

Last week, on our way home from somewhere, The Husband and I stopped at our neighborhood Dollar General for toilet paper, or something, and on a sale table up front, there was a silicon mold in the shape of twelve fat pigs, designed for making pigs in blankets.  The box was marked $10.  I thought it was the most wonderful thing.  But by the time I spotted it, The Husband was already zipping his debit card for the purchase, and we walked out of the store without the mold.  

As soon as we got in the car, I regretted not getting it.  I make pigs in blankets about twice a year - once for our Christmas Eve get-together with the family, and once for the Super Bowl.  The grandkids would get a kick out of a pig-shaped pig in a blanket.  I ran back in the store and bought it, and to my delight, it rang up at only $3.75.  SCORE!

I came straight home, dug out some frozen cocktail sausages, and made pigs in blankets that very evening.  They were adorable.

Yesterday, the grandkids were coming over, so I decided to use the mold for jello jiggler pigs.  I would've preferred pink pigs, but orange jello was all I had in the pantry.  It was OK, though, for orange is one of The Granddaughters' school colors.  ;)    

Fail.  Although they look mostly intact, most of their heads separated from their bodies when I tried to get them out of the mold.  (I have never successfully un-molded anything made from jello!)  

Still, the grandkids, ranging in ages from 19 to 3, got a kick out of the pigs.  So I guess it wasn't a total failure.

The grandkids were here for a sort of "going-away party" for Granddaughter #1, who is going back to college this week.  I'd texted invitations to everyone in the family, including the folks on the hill.  The Nephew was the first to arrive.  He lives with Nanny, but came without her.  When we asked where Nanny was, he said she was at home, crying, because she thought she wasn't invited.  I double-checked my text message; I'd included her, and she'd even replied, "Hi."  When another nephew arrived, he walked down to Nanny's and cajoled her into coming to the party.  When she got here, I told her I'd included her in the text.  She thinks it must've gotten mixed in with a group text from her church ladies.

I'd ordered pulled pork barbeque and fixings from a local BBQ joint to make the party easy on myself.  We were also going to grill smoked sausages for the kids, but ended up cooking them in the air-fryer, instead.  (They were delicious cooked that way.)  I made a peach cobbler, served with ice cream, for dessert.  

The weather was absolutely wonderful.  The kids played outside on the swings and ran around the yard playing hide-and-seek.  The Sons brought their guitars, and we sat on the back porch and played and sang and had a big time.  Everyone left here full and happy.  

It was a good party.  :)

Today, it is still remarkably cool for August.  Since I did not spend yesterday cooking all day, I worked in the yard and in the vegetable garden until mid-afternoon, so yesterday's yardwork list for today is far shorter.  The one thing I didn't get around to was watering the vegetable garden.  It is in dire need of water.  

Nanny just tooted her car horn as she left for church.  I think I'll go do the watering before she gets home.  ;)

* * * * * * * * 

The garden has been thoroughly watered.  While I was watering peas and okra, The Husband picked the ripe tomatoes and squash.  There was a big colander bowl full of tomatoes.  I scalded, chopped, and cooked them.  Four pints are in the canner right now.  

I have been fooling with these blasted tomatoes since March, when I planted the seeds.  No telling how many hours we've spent nurturing and planting and fertilizing and weeding.

Four pints.

So far.


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