Friday, August 30, 2024

Drunk blogging - August 30,2024

I had TWO margaritas tonight.

My whole face is numb.

In a good way. :-)

This has been an awful week, work-wise.  I am working in an un-air-conditioned space.  There are houseflies and horseflies.  Yesterday I took a can of bug spray to work with me and offed a few of them before they could kill me.  The one bathroom available to me is used by maintenance guys and other men in the building.  There is no lock on the door.  I haven't even looked in there, but I can already bet that it's the nastiest bathroom in the county.  I come home from work each day, drenched with sweat, half dehydrated, and just about to pee on myself.   

If I had my phone to hand, I'd show you the room I'm working in.  Piles of boxes of files.  I am to organize the files numerically, by case number.  Probably 20% of the files don't even have case numbers on them.  It's going to be a nightmare.  There is very little floor space to set up work tables.  All I know to do is start putting files in the cabinets by years, and then once I have some work space cleaned out, I'll have to empty the file cabinets onto tables and start the sorting process.

This is going to take months, if not years.  

So, tonight I am on the back porch, blissfully tipsy, listening to the night bugs and the wind blowing through the trees, hoping for rain.

We are terribly dry.

Yesterday evening, The Husband called on his way home from work, having had to pull over, less than 20 miles from the house, because it was raining so hard. We barely got a drop here.

But I hear thunder in the distance, and there's wind.  Hopefully, we will get more than a drop over the weekend.

I should go to bed before this buzz wears off.

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