Thursday, August 15, 2024

I don't want to go to work today - August 15, 2024

A text message woke me before the coffee pot started this morning.   Since Granddaughter #1 was scheduled to start her drive back to college today, I got up to read the text, worried that she might need something.  The message was from the telephone company, advising that the bill had been paid.  :-|

Once I'm up, there ain't no going back to bed.

I planned to go back to work today, and I will, but I don't want to. 

The end of Phase 1 of the records organization project is in sight.  Before I left work Monday, I told them to take away the work I'd finished and bring down the rest of the boxes.  There's no telling what's waiting for me. Ordinarily, I would have been at work by now, but here I sit on the back porch, still in my nightgown, sipping tepid coffee and listening to the birds.

I don't want to go to work.  Yesterday I started painting Christmas cards.  They are spread out on the kitchen table in various stages of completion.  I'd like to finish them and start more, while the mood lasts.

Yesterday I also went to the dollar store for two big bags of dirt to put in the cold frame.  The lady who works at the DG is about the grouchiest person on the planet.  If she smiled, her face would crack.  Her attitude is understandable, for most of the time she is in the store alone, trying to stock the shelves AND ring up sales at the cash register.  She was stocking shelves about the time I was ready to check out.  As she headed for the cash register, I said, "Oh, you still have potting soil?"  She led me to the garden aisle.  I said out loud, but more or less to myself, "I need two of those big bags," and the DG lady moved to get it.  I said, "Wait, let me get a cart!" and as I came back with the buggy, I said, "I didn't mean for YOU to get it, I was just talking to myself,"  And she said, rather smartly, "Well, you don't have any business lifting it, anyway."  

I said, "I'm probably as strong as you are!," to which she replied, "Yeah, but I'm a lot younger than you."

I straightened myself up and said, "I beg your pardon."  

She said, "Well, it's the truth."

Some things you can't argue.

But the heifer didn't offer to load the bags into my car after she rang up the sale.  ;)

When I came home from DG, I went straight to the garden to plant some seeds.  The cucumber vines are about to croak, and I still need to make pickles.  Sunday's watering and yesterday's rain have encouraged new blooms, but they likely won't make enough cucumbers for pickles, so I planted new cucumber seeds between the existing plants.  I also poked some cabbage seeds in the ground between the pepper plants.  

I spent the rest of the afternoon painting Christmas cards.  Which reminds me . . . .

I don't want to go to work. 

But I will.


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