Friday, August 9, 2024

Planning a Picking - August 9,2024

Granddaughter #1 will be heading to college next week.  Tomorrow evening, we're having a family get-together so everyone can visit with her before she leaves.  I've ordered a pork shoulder, baked beans, and slaw from a local bbq joint.  The Sons have been told to bring their guitars for some back-porch picking.

I had a lot to do today.  

The first thing on my list was a stop at the community garden to drop off some vegetables from our personal garden and pick what's ready in our community garden plot, all of which would be donated to the food bank.  I am proud of what the community garden has accomplished in its first year.  So far, gardeners have donated over 2,000 pounds of fresh vegetables.  Our plot has donated 20+ pounds, some of which came from our personal garden.  

I finished up Year - whatever number it is - today and had a planning session with the records clerk.  They're going to bring down the rest of what's in the attic next week, and haul away the boxes that I've finished.  The end of this phase of the project is in sight.

However . . . . 

The next thing I have to tackle is a BIG room full of boxes.  They're stacked on top of empty file cabinets, several boxes deep.  I'll need some procured muscle to get them down; my creaky, clumsy ass has no business on a ladder.  

There's no telling what kinds of creatures live in that room.  And there's no heat or air-conditioning, just a monstrous big fan that will probably blow papers everywhere.

When I finished my work, I went to get the Wrangler out of hock.  It's been at the transmission shop for over a month.  I paid the bill and got the keys.  We'll go get it tonight or tomorrow.  (Not tonight, actually, for it's MARGARITA NIGHT).

After that, I went to the grocery store for back-porch-pickin' night.  Forgot half of the stuff I meant to get.  I'll go back tomorrow in the Wrangler.  :)

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