Saturday, August 10, 2024

Yardwork - August 10, 2024

I had TWO (small) margaritas last night, and came home and went straight to bed, and went straight to sleep, and slept all night, except for the 2 a.m. nature walk.  

I needed that.

We always ride to the Mexican restaurant with The Husband's Sister-and-Brother-in-Law (the B-I-L is always the designated driver).  When everybody gets home, texts go to flying.  Last night, when I texted the S-I-L that we were ready when they were, she said, "I need to dry my hair.  Will text when we're on our way."

They live within sight of our house. When she sends an "On our way!" text, they get here before the text does.  I figured we had a good 10 minutes before they drove up (she has thick hair), but I put on my shoes, got my purse, and went outside to watch for them.  While I waited, I walked around the yard to check on some perennials I planted a week or two ago.  In the process, I noted a thousand things that need to be done in this yard.  

This would be a really good day for yardwork.  It is remarkably cool (for August), and the humidity is low.  But I have other things to do today.  We promised to work on Nanny's back porch today, and a dozen or more people will be showing up here for dinner about 5:00.  

The yardwork will have to wait until tomorrow.

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