Friday, August 23, 2024

Covid Day 4 - August 23, 2024

 Not gonna lie; it hasn't been a fun week.  Still, I figure I got off light.

It started in the wee hours of Tuesday morning.  24 hours of mid-grade fever.  Headache.  Achy joints.  Digestive issues.  Head full of snot.  Cough.  Tired.  I confined myself to the back porch and a spare bedroom.

By the wee hours of Wednesday morning, the fever was gone, but all the other symptoms hung in.  

I feel much, much better today.  Ghost of a headache, tummy ok.  Still snotty.  

Here's a weird thing:

Monday morning, before I knew I was getting sick, my left knee got sore for no apparent reason.  Hadn't strained or bumped it or anything.  It was fine when I went to bed Sunday night, but when I rolled out of bed Mondy morning and took that first step with my left leg, I nearly screamed with pain.  The knee stayed sore all week, until today, when everything else got better.

I'll take it.

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