Monday, August 10, 2020

Watering and Carrots - August 10, 2020


T'was a little hot today, wasn't it?

For the past couple of weeks, we've been doing the gardening work in the evenings, and eating supper afterwards.  But who wants to cook after all that work?  So it's been tomato sandwiches, frozen pizzas, and such.  This afternoon, I decided to cook a real supper and have it ready the minute The Husband walked in the door so that we could eat first and then go work, when it should've be a little cooler.  I started cooking a little too early, and The Husband got home a little late, and supper was all shriveled up and not all that wonderful.  We ate it, anyway.

I wanted to water the garden tonight.  It's not terribly dry down deep, but the ground is a little crusty, and I have a lot of tender babies sprouting and growing; their roots can't be very deep yet.  This morning, the weatherman said that it might rain tomorrow and/or the next day.  Late this afternoon, when I looked at the weather app on my telephone and saw just a few puny scattered clouds to the west, I decided to disbelieve the weather man about the chances of a rain.  

It was a little after 7 when we went to the garden.  I took a pack of carrot seeds to plant.  (The space I reserved for turnip greens is getting smaller every day.)  I wanted to run the little red 4-tine tiller down the row to loosen the soil before I planted the carrots, but couldn't get it to crank.  Hateful thing.  But the big old black tiller fired up on the first pull, and I pulverized a row and planted the carrots.  We cut okra and picked squash and peppers, and started the sprinkler.  

I need a different sprinkler, one I can aim left or right and make it stay there so that I could approach it from behind on dry ground.  My sprinkler sprinkles in a circle, which means wading through mud in every direction to move it.  

We didn't let the sprinkler run as long as I wanted.  It got too dark.  We left the water hoses strung out across the yard, planning to water more tomorrow evening.

I just looked at my weather app again.  The situation appears to have changed in the last 4 hours.  We may not need to water again, after all.

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